Credo Bank is a partner of the mortgage interest rate subsidy program!

Get a subsidy up to 4% for a 5-year term.

The purpose of the program introduced by the state and state program "Enterprise Georgia" is to maximally help customers and overcome the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Buy an apartment from the property developer companies - partners of the Credo Bank:

as well as from any desirable developer company, engage in the program, and enjoy the best terms.

What is the state subsidy program?

Within the scope of this program, in the case of purchasing the apartment from developer companies, the borrower of mortgage loan will obtain the subsidy up to 4% for a 5-year term. The program is applicable for mortgage loans issued in the national currency.


  • Loan currency - GEL
  • Term -  up to 240 months
  • Amount - up to GEL 200,000.00
  • Term of subsidy - up to 5 years.


What is needed to be included in the program?

A physical person may be included in the program and obtain the subsidy if a mortgage loan is issued to him/her in the Credo Bank until 31 December 2020, for the purpose of buying an apartment from the construction of property developer company.

Request now: