How shall I find out about Credo Bank vacancies?

Vacancies are announced on and Also, you can see vacancy information on our web site.  In Georgian regions information about the vacancy is announced by local media (local radio, television and newspaper). Also, you can get information about Credo vacancies from Credo Bank representatives in villages.


How shall I submit a Job Application?

Fill in the application form on Credo Bank’s website or bring motivation letter and CV in Credo Bank’s Office

When testing will take place after the vacancy deadline?

Testing will be conducted maximum within 2 weeks from the vacancy deadline. Applicants will get SMS if they are selected for testing.

What kind of testing will be conducted in Credo Bank?

Selection testing is conducted by a general IQ skills test.

What are the selection criteria for a particular vacancy?

Employee selection and hiring are based solely on the applicant’s professional as well as behavioural skills and competencies.

What should I do if I cannot show up on scheduled testing time?

First of all, you should inform us that you are not able to come on scheduled testing.  You will be invited again when testing is conducted repeatedly.