
Health insurance - SAERTO

Ensure the health of yourself and your loved ones by acquiring Imedi L's health insurance package "Saerto", Credo Bank is offering favorable installment terms. Benefit from top-notch medical services, discounts, and prompt financing for treatments:

  • Personal doctor services
  • Emergency medical assistance
  • Laboratory tests
  • Emergency outpatient services
  • Emergency dental services
  • Planned dental services in provider clinics

General insurance can be used to cover the costs of outpatient services (visits to specialists, examinations, tests, etc.), as well as the purchase of medicines, dental, aesthetic services at a discount.

To obtain the health insurance package, simply visit any Credo Bank service center of your preference.

  • Duration – one year;
  • Funding/co-funding – 40 – 100 %;
  • Age of a beneficiary insured – 0 – 60 years.


Coverage considered under the Insurance Agreement  Sa1o
24-hour call-center service 100% Unlimited
Personal Doctor Service 100% Unlimited
Urgent Medical care provided by ambulance crew 100% Unlimited
Urgent hospital service 100% 5000 GEL
Planned hospital service in provider clinics under the letter of guarantee (waiting period 12 months) 80% 4000 GEL
 Day hospital  in provider clinics under the letter of guarantee (waiting period 12 months) 50%
Pregnancy under the personal doctor’s prescription at David Tatishvili
Medical Center (Vaja- Pshavela av.)
50% 500 GEL
Urgent out-patient service  100% Unlimited
Planned out-patient service  under the personal doctor’s prescription in provider clinics 50% 800 GEL
Planned out-patient service  under the personal doctor’s prescription in non-provider clinics 40%
 Reimbursement of costs for Medications under the referral/letter of guarantee at pharmacy networks of GPC and Pharmadepot 50% 800 GEL
Planned out-patient service without exception  at specific provider clinic indicated by the Insurer 50% Unlimited
Laboratory-instrumental tests 100% Once per individual
insurance period
Urgent dental service 100% 500 GEL
Planned dental service in provider clinics* 60% 1500 GEL
Orthopedic dental service and implantation at “New Dent” 60% 1500 GEL
Orthopedic dental service and implantation at Dentagram Ltd. 60% 1500 GEL
Orthopedic dental service and implantation at Dental Star Ltd 60% 1500 GEL
 lanned dental service in provider clinics** 50% Unlimited
Odontovisiogram, orthopantomogram, dental computed tomogram at
Dental House Ltd. 
40% 500 GEL
 Odontovisiogram, orthopantomogram, dental computed tomogram at
International Dental Center “ISO” Ltd
40% 500 GEL
Fixation of non-removable orthodontic apparatus (brace system) at
Dentagram Ltd.
50% Unlimited
Fixation of non-removable orthodontic apparatus (brace system) at
Dental Star Ltd
50% Unlimited
Orthopedic and orthodontic dental service in provider dental clinics Discount 10-20%
Personal accident (applies to each Insured Person) 5000 GEL
Monthly insurance premium per individual card 45.00  GEL


Upon purchasing an individual health insurance, you will be detached from the State Universal Health Insurance Program.


It is crucial that a beneficiary will be eligible to services as those medical establishments as well, which do not fall under the State program. An insured beneficiary will have his/her medical service compensated according to the agreement terms.

  • Highly qualified specialists and doctors at your service;
  • Ambulance at your service;
  • Financing dentistry service at provider clinics;
  • Financing medications;
  • Special discounts – Wellness treatment and aesthetic procedures;
  • Compensation for death caused by a tragic accident;
  • Simplified and prompt procedure for compensation and insurance is available for Georgian, as well as foreign countries’ nationals.